Life is good for Ali Zafar: he has a lot going for him where his music is concerned (Coke Studio was a coup for him) and now his personal life is in full bloom too! Lots of felicitations for his wedding last night to his long time sweetheart, Ayesha Fazli, the daughter of a prominent lawyer in Lahore. Unlike other celebrity weddings whose celebrations pan over weeks, and epitomize indulge and extravagance, Ali Zafar chose to have a very simply yet elegant affair with family and the closest of friends at his hometown in Lahore. Originally scheduled for October, the family decided to push back the date to July in a decision made just two weeks ago since Ali was in October with tour dates and apparently couldn't squeeze in enough time to get married then.
With a star like Ali one expected a media circus with an entourage of stars and bevy of beauties from the glamorous world of entertainment and fashion, and although superstars like Ali Azmat, Atif Aslam, Jal, designers like cousin Amir Adnan, and Zara Shahjahan and models Iman Ali and Iffat Omer graced the occasion, it wasn't as mammoth an affair as it could have been. Fawad Khan of EP was also present with his family. It's hard to have so many stars around and not be tempted for pictures to post on Facebook to gloat and incite envy from others, and so in typical teenage fashion, young adolescent girls thronged aside both Ali Zafar and Atif Aslam, while they stood embracing each other, pushed their way through and pleaded for pictures. What a sight that was! And nothing could beat our dear Governor Punjab who walked in, the precise minute the Nikkah ended, with a set of bodyguards that stomped right through the hall onto the stage, with guests looking on eyes rolling. Hardly the polite thing to do at someone (else's) wedding but then our politicians were never known for their manners!Anyhow…coming back to the pop prince, he finally got hitched. And to that we say "congratulations"!
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